How to create DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to use the  fortigate-api  package to create a DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate   from fortigate_api import FortigateAPI # Create a FortigateAPI object fgt = FortigateAPI(host="host", username="username", password="password") # Create a DHCP server data = {     "default-gateway": "",     "netmask": "",     "interface": "vlan.123",     "ip-range": [         {"start-ip": "", "end-ip": "",}     ], } fgt.dhcp_server.create(data) # Create a policy in the Fortigate data = dict(     name="POLICY",     status="enable",     action="accept",     srcintf=[{"name": "any"}],     dstintf=[{"name": "any"}],     srcaddr=[{"name": "all"}],     dstaddr=[{"name&quo

Python Script to take the Backup of Multiple device in a Network

from netmiko import ConnectHandler
Sw_1 = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host':   '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'Admin@123',
    'port': 22,          # optional, defaults to 22
    'secret': 'secret',     # optional, defaults to ''
Sw_2 = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host':   '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'Admin@123',
    'port': 22,          # optional, defaults to 22
    'secret': 'secret',     # optional, defaults to ''
Sw_3 = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host':   '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'Admin@123',
    'port': 22,          # optional, defaults to 22
    'secret': 'secret',     # optional, defaults to ''
Sw_4 = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host':   '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'Admin@123',
    'port': 22,          # optional, defaults to 22
    'secret': 'secret',     # optional, defaults to ''
Sw_5 = {
    'device_type': 'cisco_ios',
    'host':   '',
    'username': 'admin',
    'password': 'Admin@123',
    'port': 22,          # optional, defaults to 22
    'secret': 'secret',     # optional, defaults to ''
net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Sw_1)
output=net_connect.send_command('sh run')
Sw_1 = open("sw_1.txt", "w") 

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Sw_2)
output=net_connect.send_command('sh run')
Sw_2 = open("sw_2.txt", "w") 

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Sw_3)
output=net_connect.send_command('sh run')
Sw_3 = open("sw_3.txt", "w") 

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Sw_4)
output=net_connect.send_command('sh run')
Sw_4 = open("sw_4.txt", "w") 

net_connect = ConnectHandler(**Sw_5)
output=net_connect.send_command('sh run')
Sw_5 = open("sw_5.txt", "w") 

Here's the Output of the Program given below:-

Output File Name

Here's the backup of one of the switches mentioned in the program:

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 3189 bytes


! Last configuration change at 13:52:25 UTC Mon Nov 20 2023


version 15.2

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

no service password-encryption

service compress-config


hostname SW-1






enable password Nipun@123


username admin privilege 15 password 0 Admin@123

no aaa new-model









ip domain-name nipun

ip cef

no ipv6 cef




spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree extend system-id















interface GigabitEthernet0/0

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/1

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/2

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/3

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet1/0

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet1/1

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet1/2

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet1/3

 negotiation auto


interface Vlan1

 ip address


ip forward-protocol nd


ip http server

ip http secure-server


ip route

ip ssh version 2

ip ssh server algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr

ip ssh client algorithm encryption aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr





banner exec ^C


* IOSv is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration and IOS  *

* education. IOSv is provided as-is and is not supported by Cisco's      *

* Technical Advisory Center. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, *

* of the IOSv Software or Documentation to any third party for any       *

* purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by     *

* Cisco in writing.                                                      *


banner incoming ^C


* IOSv is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration and IOS  *

* education. IOSv is provided as-is and is not supported by Cisco's      *

* Technical Advisory Center. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, *

* of the IOSv Software or Documentation to any third party for any       *

* purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by     *

* Cisco in writing.                                                      *


banner login ^C


* IOSv is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration and IOS  *

* education. IOSv is provided as-is and is not supported by Cisco's      *

* Technical Advisory Center. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part, *

* of the IOSv Software or Documentation to any third party for any       *

* purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by     *

* Cisco in writing.                                                      *



line con 0

line aux 0

line vty 0 4

 password nipun@123

 login local

 transport input ssh




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