IPv4 to IPv6 Convertor


import ipaddress


def convertusingipaddress(ipv4address):

    print(ipaddress.IPv6Address('2002::' + ipv4address).compressed)


ipaddr=input("Enter your ip here: ")





Note: In the above-given Python program there is one inbuild library imported to convert the Ipv4 into Ipv6 i.e.; “ipaddress” After that in the second line one function has been defined named “convertusingipaddressinside that function. I have printed using the module define at the top with the help of “.” Basically, it means the object of that inbuild module i.e.;IPv6Address('2002::' + ipv4address)will be converted in IPv6, and with “.compressed” I have compressed the original Ipv6 onto the compressed form of the IP address.
