
Showing posts from August, 2022

How to create DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to use the  fortigate-api  package to create a DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate   from fortigate_api import FortigateAPI # Create a FortigateAPI object fgt = FortigateAPI(host="host", username="username", password="password") # Create a DHCP server data = {     "default-gateway": "",     "netmask": "",     "interface": "vlan.123",     "ip-range": [         {"start-ip": "", "end-ip": "",}     ], } fgt.dhcp_server.create(data) # Create a policy in the Fortigate data = dict(     name="POLICY",     status="enable",     action="accept",     srcintf=[{"name": "any"}],     dstintf=[{"name": "any"}],     srcaddr=[{"name": "all"}],     dstaddr=[{"name&quo

how to safe and secure windows 10 || how to secure my computer || how to secure pc

Changing user settings Here we will be making a new user in the system to access so that whenever we give our personal computer/laptop to anyone like friends or relatives he will be accessing our system from this user and our main files and system will be isolated and he could not able to do any kind of changes in your PC. (For safety purposes)   Step 1: Go to this PC and right-click on it. Right-click on This Pc Step 2: Click on manage Click on Manage Step 3: Click on **Local Users and Groups** Click on Local users & Groups Step 4: Click on **Users **  folder Users Step 5: In the blank space right-click and go to the new user (a dialogue box will open asking for                          information) New User Step 6: Provide all the necessary information about the user and click on user must change the password on the next logon if you want him to have his/her own password. New-User Info Step 7: Press **Ctrl+Alt+Delete** and click on **Switch User** to login through the user you   

how to upgrade cisco switch ios via tftp

 =========================STEPS TO UPGRADE CISCO DEVICE IOS===================== Step 1: login to that device (console Access) Step 2: Give an ip address to any logical interface (vlan 1) Step 3: Dowload that device latest ios from the Cisco website Step 4: Connect your system via console as well as the ethernet cable to that device Step 5: Give the ip address to your ethernet adapter in your system (same network) Step 6: Download TFTP64/32 application from internet (to make your system tftp server) Step 7: Open that application with default setting and select your adapter in that application Step 8: Bring that downloaded IOS to that application server inerface directory step 9: Go to you Cisco device console and type the following comands in the privledge mode copy tftp://<your system ip>/<downloaded ios full name path with extention> flash: press enter it will start downloading to your cisco device flash memory configure terminal boot system flash:<ios name wit