
Showing posts from September, 2021

How to create DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to use the  fortigate-api  package to create a DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate   from fortigate_api import FortigateAPI # Create a FortigateAPI object fgt = FortigateAPI(host="host", username="username", password="password") # Create a DHCP server data = {     "default-gateway": "",     "netmask": "",     "interface": "vlan.123",     "ip-range": [         {"start-ip": "", "end-ip": "",}     ], } fgt.dhcp_server.create(data) # Create a policy in the Fortigate data = dict(     name="POLICY",     status="enable",     action="accept",     srcintf=[{"name": "any"}],     dstintf=[{"name": "any"}],     srcaddr=[{"name": "all"}],     dstaddr=[{"name&quo

Computer Hardware Components

 Computer Hardware Components   These are the following Hardware Components which you find inside your Computer cabinet:- MotherBoard Processor Ram & Rom Hard Drive/SSD CPU Cooling Fan CMOS Battery (backup) SMPS Power Supply Mother Board Its a kind of hardware where you connect all kinds of devices in your computer that is why its known as the mother of computer system, it consist of the following slots such as Power connector, ATX connector, Ram slot, Peripheral Devices, VGA, USB, Ethernet, Serial, Audio, Video ports etc. Is the circuit board of the computer all the kinds of input and output signals goes comes from mother board. MOTHER BOARD           

how to make bootable pen drive without rufus || how to make bootable pen drive with cmd

HOW TO MAKE BOOTABLE PEN DRIVE WITHOUT RUFUS || HOW TO MAKE BOOTABLE PEN DRIVE WITH CMD Step 1: First of all, open CMD (Command Prompt) as an Administrator. COMMAND PROMPT AS ADMIN Step 2: After opening the CMD as an Admin   type Diskpart and press Enter. DISKPART Step 3: A new window will be opened in front of you with this diskpart> (console) . Step 4: list disk LIST DISK Step 5: select disk < disk no > . SELECT DISK Step 6: clean CLEAN Step 7 : create partition primary PARTITION PRIMARY Step 8: select partition 1 SELECT PARTITION Step 9: format fs=<ntfs/fat32> quick FORMAT FS=FAT32 QUICK Step 10: assign letter=<any alphabet except the given one> ASSIGN LETTER

how to prevent Wi-Fi from hackers||how to do Mac filter in router

How To Prevent Wireless Attack By Hackers|| Mac-Filtering Of Wi-Fi     The following steps are available to do Mac-Filtering:- Step 1:  Open your cmd or command prompt by using the windows button and the 'R' run box will open in front now just you have to type cmd and press enter. RUN-BOX Step 2: After opening CMD or command prompt type ' ipconfig/all  there you will get all information related to your network say IP address, subnets mask default gateway, etc. If you are using a normal LAN connection, you must type just this command ' ipconfig '. IPCONFIG COMMAND Step 3: Now you have to search for the default gateway and copy it or note it down somewhere. DEFAULT GATEWAY Step 4: Now open any of your browsers and paste or type the default gateway there and press enter you will see your router login panel. INPUT THE DG IN THE BROWSER ADDRESS BAR Step 5: Now enter the user name and by default if you are using the TP-Link router just enter login username: admin passwor