
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to create DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to use the  fortigate-api  package to create a DHCP server and a policy in the Fortigate   from fortigate_api import FortigateAPI # Create a FortigateAPI object fgt = FortigateAPI(host="host", username="username", password="password") # Create a DHCP server data = {     "default-gateway": "",     "netmask": "",     "interface": "vlan.123",     "ip-range": [         {"start-ip": "", "end-ip": "",}     ], } fgt.dhcp_server.create(data) # Create a policy in the Fortigate data = dict(     name="POLICY",     status="enable",     action="accept",     srcintf=[{"name": "any"}],     dstintf=[{"name": "any"}],     srcaddr=[{"name": "all"}],     dstaddr=[{"name&quo

Top 10 most dangerous computer viruses

  Top 10 most dangerous computer viruses   In the list of top 10 most dangerous computer virus, I will be showing you the cost, date, reach and other key facts. Please take a note of that I will be using virus and worms interchangeably as people search for that type of word that's why but there is a difference between will be explaining you after this post so let's begin:- 1. Mydoom-$38 billion Mydoom Virus The most was computer virus which outbreak in the history is the Mydoom caused estimated damage of $38 billion in the year 2004, but its inflation adjusted cost is $52.2 billion, it's also known as Novarg, this malware is technical a "worm", which was spread by mass emailing at one point, this my dream virus was responsible for 25% of all emails sent. Mydoom is such a virus that is crap adress from the infected machine and then send back copies of itself to those addresses it also roped those infected machine into web of computer called a botnet that performs i

Online cyber security teaching job

There are online many ways of teaching if you are not getting any jobs in the field of Cyber security no issue start making YouTube videos on skills which you have and teach children or some best platform such as Udemy, Unacademy, Coursera etc, where you can register and teach for its not that if you doesn't get a job of teaching in the field of Cyber security you will sit, you will have thik of the best way where you can utilise your skill. Some of best jobs and ways to earn money after being a Cyber security professionals are as follows:- Cyber security teachers Looking forward for Online Ethical Hacking Trainers Hey I am looking to improve my skills in Ethical Hacking and looking to hire a Trainer who has in-depth knowledge in the area. I want to take classes on the internet. The trainer should have hands-on coding experience and should be updated on the latest practice in Ethical Hacking. We are looking for someone who will teach during weekdays. 100% Remote Job. Here is th